keep down - traduction vers grec
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keep down - traduction vers grec

Measure for measure; Barnardine; Measure For Measure; Mistress Overdone; Abhorson; Overdone; Over done; Kate Keepdown; Keepdown; Keep down
  • Robert Smirke]] (n.d.)
  • The first page of Shakespeare's ''Measure for Measure'', printed in the [[First Folio]] of 1623
  • William Hamilton]] of Isabella appealing to Angelo
  • ''Mariana'' (1851) by [[John Everett Millais]]
  • Pompey Bum, as he was portrayed by nineteenth-century actor [[John Liston]]
  • [[John Philip Kemble]] as Vincentio in the 1794 rendition of ''Measure for Measure''
  • ''Mariana'' (1888) by [[Valentine Cameron Prinsep]]
  • ''Isabella'' (1888) by [[Francis William Topham]]
  • ''Claudio and Isabella'' (1850) by [[William Holman Hunt]]

keep down         
v. συγκρατώ, μένω σκυμμένος, κρατώ σε υποταγή, κρατώ χαμηλά
shut down         
Shut down; Shut Down (disambiguation); ShutDown; Shut-down; Shut-Down; Shut Down; Shut down (disambiguation); Shut Down (song); Shutdown (song); Shutdown (single); Shutdown (disambiguation)
κλείνω το εργοστάσιον
keep cool         
Keep Cool (disambiguation)
διατηρήστε την ψυχραιμία σας


to earn one's keep
1) (D; tr.) ('to have') to keep about (esp. BE), around (do you keep a screwdriver around the house?)
2) (d; intr.) to keep after ('to keep persuading') (keep after the children; they are still too untidy)
3) (d; tr.) to keep at ('to hold') (she kept them at their studies)
4) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep for (the librarian will keep the book for you)
5) (d; intr., refl.) to keep from ('to refrain') (she could not keep from talking)
6) (d; tr.) ('to conceal') to keep from (to keep a secret from smb.)
7) (d; tr.) ('to hold back'); ('to prevent') to keep from (the rain kept us from going; don't keep her from her work)
8) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep off (keep off the grass)
9) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep off (keep the children off the street)
10) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep out of (keep out of my way; I kept out of their quarrel)
11) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep out of (keep the guests out of the house)
12) (d; intr.) ('to be confined') to keep to (she kept to her room)
13) (d; intr.) ('to continue') to keep to (to keep to the right)
14) (D; tr.) ('to reserve') to keep to (to keep a secret to oneself)
15) (G) ('to continue') she kept reading
16) (J) ('to cause') he kept us waiting
17) (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) (to maintain'); ('to hold') she kept us busy; they kept him prisoner; the fire kept us warm; she kept the children amused with her stories
18) (P; intr., tr.) ('to continue'); ('to hold') to keep right; to keep a car in a garage
19) (s) ('to remain') to keep quiet; to keep warm


Measure for Measure

Measure for Measure is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603 or 1604 and first performed in 1604, according to available records. It was published in the First Folio of 1623.

The play's plot features its protagonist, Duke Vincentio of Vienna, stepping out from public life to observe the affairs of the city under the governance of his deputy, Angelo. Angelo's harsh and ascetic public image is compared to his abhorrent personal conduct once in office, in which he exploits his power to procure a sexual favour from Isabella, whom he considers enigmatically beautiful. The tension in the play is eventually resolved through Duke Vincentio's intervention, which is considered an early use of the deus ex machina in English literature.

Measure for Measure was printed as a comedy in the First Folio and continues to be classified as one. Though it shares features with other Shakespearean comedies, such as the use of wordplay and irony, and the employment of disguise and substitution as plot devices, it also features tragic elements such as executions and soliloquies, with Claudio's speech in particular having been favorably compared to tragic heroes like Prince Hamlet. It is often cited as one of Shakespeare's problem plays due to its ambiguous tone.

Exemples de prononciation pour keep down
1. boundaries and keep down to 1.5 degrees of global heating.
Roman Krznaric _ The Good Ancestor - A Radical Prescription for Long-Term Thinking _ Talks at Google
2. You see the Red Keep down at the bottom right.
Game of Thrones Map Maker _ Jonathan Roberts _ Talks at Google
3. ICE CUBE: And we can keep down all the hootenanny
Gary Gray + More _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour keep down
1. The Saudi authorities have introduced a quota system to keep down the numbers of pilgrims.
2. Fast groundwork is the main way that the no–frills carriers keep down costs and fares.
3. Fast groundwork is a primary way that the no–frills carriers keep down costs – and fares.
4. They keep down the cost of flying for people wealthy enough to fly.
5. MasterCard has also capped its fees on petroleum purchases to try to keep down prices.